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Private private CEO™ blog

Great ready to learn about the business side of your practice on a deeper level. 


Ep. 29 – How Sleep Affects Your Practice’s Bottom Line With Dr. Felicia Ivey

How are you sleeping? Are you getting enough restful sleep? Have you thought about the relationship between your sleep and your success? Whether you have or not, this is the episode for you! Join me and Dr. Felicia Ivey, OTD, MS, OTR/L as we discuss all the effects of bad sleep and how it impacts […]



Ep. 29 – How Sleep Affects Your Practice’s Bottom Line With Dr. Felicia Ivey

How are you sleeping? Are you getting enough restful sleep? Have you thought about the relationship between your sleep and your success? Whether you have or not, this is the episode for you! Join me and Dr. Felicia Ivey, OTD, MS, OTR/L as we discuss all the effects of bad sleep and how it impacts […]

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Ep. 28 – You Have Permission To Be Selfish

You don’t have to sacrifice yourself to achieve your goals. You don’t have to bow down to burn out, overwhelm or self-neglect.    In this episode, be empowered to take care of you first and reclaim your time.   Tune in to find out how I’ve been able to overcome the mindset of selflessness that […]

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Fast Company: We need to talk about why we still see CEOs as white men (and how to challenge that)

My initial thrill clicking on the link the editor sent over came to a crashing halt as I took in the stock image in front of me and felt the tears build up in my eyes.

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Your Team Loves Boundaries

Boundaries and expectations for your team are key to your business’s success and to your success.⁣⁣ They make your life as a CEO so much easier because it gives a clear guide of what needs to come to you and what (or how) other issues can be handled without being put on your plate.

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Stop Trying to be Wonder Woman

I’m fine with not being Wonder Woman and I don’t want to be her either. One thing I have learned over the years is that my time is valuable. Whether it is at home, or in my business, it’s okay, and actually healthy, for me to delegate. 

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Getting Your Partner on Board With Your Dreams

Whatever, your reason, it’s always nice for your partner to be supportive. 

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You Should Be A CEO

More black women should be CEOs. One of the challenges I always give my clients is to change their title to CEO.    The goal of changing your title to CEO is to set the stage for the company you’re building. You’re not building a wimpy party of one business. You’re building a ”nation”, as one of […]

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How to Protect Your Energy

When you have big goals and dreams you want to accomplish your biggest asset is you. Without you, you won’t have a business. Therefore, protecting your biggest asset is a must and is non-negotiable.

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hey there!

Meet Brandy

I’m the CEO of Savvy Clover Coaching & Consulting and a CEO Coach for Private Practice Owners. I'm a Healthcare Business and Leadership Expert.

I'm the founder of Private Practice CEO™  where advanced Private Practice Owners learn the business side of their practice on a deeper level to scale their practice for growth, sustainability and profit. 

Our clients are ambitious private practice owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to end the vicious cycle of burn out & overwhelm. My mission is to help you to think about your practice in a different way to have more time, money and peace. 

I have almost 2 decades of business and leadership experience building, growing and leading multi-million dollar practices. I can't wait to share my knowledge to help you with the business side of your practice. 

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