The CEO is the leader of the ship and must act accordingly. Everything rides on the CEO being able to look at their business from the big picture and how a chain of events will effect their prosperity or demise of their business.
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Everyone handles challenging circumstances differently, so I’m here to help. After almost 15 years in business management and leadership roles leading through business closures, recessions, and unexpected acquisitions, I have something to say about the subject.
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More black women should be CEOs. One of the challenges I always give my clients is to change their title to CEO. The goal of changing your title to CEO is to set the stage for the company you’re building. You’re not building a wimpy party of one business. You’re building a ”nation”, as one of […]
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After years of running multiple businesses in all different kinds of situations and climates, I know without a doubt being a CEO is more than a mindset, there is also a distinct skill set you have to learn in order to successfully grow your business.
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Giving your team the resources they need to be successful is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business.
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Prioritize what your business needs most, then set goals to accomplish those 1-2 tasks. Once you have accomplished those two goals, you can move to the next one feeling accomplished and ready to move on.
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hey there!
Brandy is a CEO Coach for Private Practice Owners. A Healthcare Business and Leadership Expert, and the Founder of Private Practice CEO™ .
Brandy's life work is teaching Private Practice Owners the business side of their practice on a deeper level. Empowering them to show up as an empowered leader to scale their practice for growth, sustainability and profit.
Our clients are ambitious private practice owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to end the vicious cycle of burn out & overwhelm. Brandy's mission is to help you to think about your practice in a different way to have more time, money and peace.
She has almost 2 decades of business and leadership experience building, growing and leading multi-million dollar practices.
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