Get ready to talk economy! In this episode, I take you into my presentation from the Profitable Practice Summit. With all the talk about inflation, recession and up and down in the news. You’ll hear my take on it. I’ve been building and growing practices for a long time. I had to navigate the 2008 recession! The goal of this episode is to make sure your CEO mindset is good and you know what areas to focus on so you can navigate your practice in any economic climate.
What you’ll learn from this episode:
The four best practices to implement as you prepare for future economic uncertainties.
Why the healthcare industry is set up better to withstand most economic climates.
What to focus on within your practice to make sure you come out on top.
Why paying attention to what you’re taking in is important as you navigate growing your business.
The CEO mindset you need to lead you, your team and your practice.
Market Your Practice Training. If you’re tired of not having your practice schedule busting at the seams? Then it’s time to market your practice! In this training, you will learn the foundational CEO mindset to show up and attract more attention to your practice, the 3 phases of marketing, the Market Your Magic™ marketing cycle & the marketing gems you didn’t know you needed. Get the training today. You can get your course here.
Want to join me for my brand new free training the Million Dollar Practice? It’s happening in soon. Get a first hand behind the scenes look at what it takes to grow and scale your practice to 7-figures. Sign Up Today!
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