“It’s my job to give you the tools and resources you need in order for you to be successful in your job.”

Boundaries and expectations for your team are key to your business’s success and to your success. They make your life as a CEO so much easier because it gives a clear guide of what needs to come to you and what (or how) other issues can be handled without being put on your plate.
They’re important for yourself because they prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Having a steady pace mentality and boundaries that support it will make it easier and faster for you to achieve your goals. It’s easy to fall into the trap of pushing yourself, but that comes at a cost. It slows everything down and doesn’t allow you to produce quality services and/or products.
When I first started in management, I used to feel so valued because my team would come to me with all their problems. I felt so loved and needed. *Awww!* But I quickly realized that I was on the fast track to Burn Out City and I needed to get off this train!
I truly started to hate the sound of my own name. No, Brandy isn’t here…
I knew something had to change so I could be the leader my team needed and also take care of the tasks I needed to get done.
So, I attended a leadership class. I learned a lot in this class but my main take away was this mantra:
“It’s my job to give you the tools and resources you need in order for you to be successful in your job.”
What does this mantra mean to me? Everything. It gave me a new perspective that I still use to this day in my business.
Creating business policies and procedures (SOP’s) or guidelines for what should and shouldn’t come to you lightens your load and empowers your team to handle arising issues on their own. Make sure to clearly communicate what your expectations are and set boundaries on how to work with you.
I remember this feeling so formal because my management style is very open door. This felt like I was telling my team that I didn’t want to be bothered. But that isn’t really the case.
Once everything is in place, all worries disappear. My team appreciates the structure and organization and your team will too. People thrive within boundaries and organization. Little to nothing is left for questioning when everything is clearly laid out.
Successful CEOs don’t focus on putting out the daily fires. They focus on putting processes in place that allow for them to think bigger and focus on the activities that will move their business forward.
Being able to run a successful business requires these boundaries to be implemented AND enforced. They will help you and your team be more productive and feel more confident and empowered the job at hand.
Don’t know where to start? Drop your questions below or DM me on Instagram @SavvyCloverCoaching. Can’t wait to connect with you!