You need a CEO mindset AND skill set. Let’s talk about the 80% you don not want to be a part of…
The business I am building today is one that will allow me to live a life unchained to anyone’s expectations except my own. To have a source of abundant income so I can live the life I truly want beyond making 6-figures.
I know it’s possible…
I remember the feeling of disappointment when I read 80% of businesses fail before year 5 and only 4% of black women make it to the million dollar mark for their business. I was shocked by these stats. I had high hopes for my business.
I mean, just a few months before, I had invested in my first business coach who was helping me set the foundation to make it to 6-figures and as I sat there reading the words on my laptop I started to question myself as an entrepreneur and begin to think, “Did I make a mistake, was this really possible for me?”
Then something occurred to me…
Why does my business have to fail? Why can’t I be one of the ones who makes it? What’s so special about the 20% anyway, we all put our pants on the same way. It was then I decided if they can do it, so can I.
It was in that moment I fully embraced my CEO mindset and my 10 plus years of business and leadership knowledge.
As you scroll on social media, I am sure your feed is similar to mine where you see other coaches and business owners talking about having a CEO mindset in order to grow and scale their business.
Here‘s the hard truth. A CEO mindset isn’t enough to beat the 80% failure rate…
After years of running multiple businesses in all different kinds of situations and climates, I know without a doubt being a CEO is more than a mindset, there is also a distinct skill set you have to learn in order to successfully grow your business.
Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs learn the CEO skill set through a series of bad hires, wasteful process implementation and other costly mistakes leading to burn out and a failed business.
Being a successful CEO with a successful business takes discipline, consistency, along with business management and leadership know-how allowing for the business to take off.
The best CEOs fully own their strengths and weaknesses, they know when to eliminate, automate or delegate without hesitation. A Savvy CEO knows they are doing their job when their business runs like a well oiled machine with sound processes in place to keep their business moving whether they are working or not.
I say NO to the laptop lifestyle because if you are running your business efficiently and effectively there is no need to use your laptop while you are away from your desk. You use your laptop to book your flights or make dinner reservations. Not to work.
The business I’m building and the businesses my clients are building will beat the 80% failure rate because we all have one thing in common, we know there is gold in the CEO mindset, but there is more gold when you pair it with the CEO skill set.
Your goal is to be part of the 20%
Your goal is to build a business for the long term, not the short team. That’s what CEOs do.
Think about this.
How would it feel to take more than two weeks off and not have to worry? To step away and not work because you have a team and a plan. I already know how it will feel, AMAZING. You can have that.
Today, I want you to think about 1 action to move your business forward. Just one. I know you can do that. I’d love to hear how it goes, so let me know.