Give your team the power to do their job correctly so you can focus on revenue-creating tasks.

You are a CEO, not a firefighter.
Giving your team the resources they need to be successful is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business. You should be leading your team and investing in their training, not constantly running around, putting out fires, trying to run your business AND teach your team everything they need to know.
Here are 3 ways to empower your team…
- Training – As entrepreneurs we are quick to be part of a membership, be part of a coaching program, take courses, but you should want to give your team access to the same opportunity to learn, which is powerful. It’s an investment in those who are working with you. You don’t always have to be the one to train and teach. Let your team work with an expert to help elevate your business.
- SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) – This is your process on paper. If there are questions your team has then they can look at the SOP. If there isn’t an SOP, create one. I also suggest keeping Loom videos with quick instructions on how to do things in case you are not available.
- 1:1 Time Together – No, you can’t hire someone, tell them how to do something one time and then get upset when they don’t meet your expectations. Having a regular built-in 1:1 time scheduled with your team helps to make sure your team has what they need to do their job and you have what you need to do yours. Create the agenda format together so it’s collaborative.
Having a team is awesome, but allowing them to help fully is even more awesome…
Including your team on finding ways to improve your business workflows systems and processes is truly the way to go. The beautiful thing, is you don’t have to have all the answers, so don’t feel like you have to.
Want deeper help empowering your team? Apply to be a part of my program today!