Those healthcare credentials we carry aren’t cheap! If you’ve had to take out mad student loans to get your degrees. You’re not alone! Having student loan debt doesn’t have to defy you, or hold you back from enjoying life. In fact, there are some pretty cool ways that no one is talking about to help you crush your student loan debt.
If you’re tired of that monthly and what can feel like a “lifetime” of a bill. This episode is for you!
Join me and Dr. Sonia Lewis, The Student Loan Doctor, as we discuss what it looks like to make the most of your debt, how to use current programs to your advantage and what it looks like to use your practice to pay off your loans for good!
Tune in today to learn more!
What you’ll learn from this episode:
The best ways to tackle your student loan debt as a Private Practice Owner
What programs you may be eligible for, leveraging the government and upcoming election
The mindset shift you need to empower you to take care of that nagging student loan debt starting today!
Featured On The Show:
How to connect with Dr. Sonia Lewis:
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