What story are you telling yourself about yourself? Are you putting unrealistic expectations on yourself when it comes to your health? Are you feeling burnt out by not looking like your peers or living the life they are?
You’re probably nodding your head right now because we all live in the world of keeping up with the Joneses. But it’s time to stop. That mindset is killing us and leading us to burn out, being overwhelmed and feeling like a failure.
Listen in as Dr. Lisa Folden, PT drops the mic on how you can overcome this mindset and learn to love ourselves just the way we are and find peace in the journey of self-care!
More about Dr. Lisa Folden:
Dr. Folden is a native of Detroit, MI with a Bachelor of Science and Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI. Now a North Carolina licensed physical therapist and Anti-diet Health & Body Image Coach, Dr. Folden has more than fifteen years of experience in the health & wellness field.
As a body positive women’s health expert and Health at Every Size®️ (HAES®️) ambassador, Dr. Folden assists clients seeking healthier lifestyles. Her weight-neutral approach encourages intuitive eating, body acceptance and breaking up with toxic diet culture.
Dr. Lisa is a mom of three, published author and speaker whose goal is to see as many people as possible recovering from injury and living their best lives without ever worrying about their weight!
So grab your notebook and a pen and get ready to learn a fresh perspective on taking care of YOU and the benefits that flow from it!
What you’ll learn from this episode:
Why we all need to leave diet & hustle culture behind
How playing the comparison game is actually holding you back from your goals
The benefits of working towards harmony over balance in your life
Dr. Folden’s #1 tip to restoring your self-awareness throughout the day
Why daily self-care will bring more joy and peace
Featured On The Show:
How to connect with Dr. Lisa Folden, PT:
Website: https://www.healthyphit.com/
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