If you’ve been trying to figure out how to have the lifestyle you want and the practice you’ve been dreaming of, this is the episode for you! Dr. Jade Norris is a powerhouse who took her childhood dream of serving her community and disrupted the healthcare model with her membership-based private practice. Tune in as she shares how she balances business and wellness, family life, business and business boundaries, and how she grew a debt-free 6 figure business in a year with small children! So many gems in this episode!!
What you’ll learn from this episode:
How to be confident in your boundaries and not be afraid to own them.
Why capitalizing on automations will benefit you, your patient/clients, and your practice.
Dr. Jade’s #1 secret to avoiding burnout in life and business that you can implement starting today!
Featured On The Show:
How to connect with Dr. Jade Norris:
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