Every practice, no matter how big or small, has systems and processes – also known as workflows – that are either working for them, or against them. It’s the unsexy side of a practice.
Here’s what I want you to write down: Chaos Costs Money.
More times than not your practice operations can be improved. It is critical when scaling your practice you understand how your operations are impacting your ability to get to the next stage of growth. So tune in to deep dive into operations with me!
What you’ll learn from this episode:
The #1 myth regarding operations get busted.
3 challenges that make operations a continual process within any business.
When you should start focusing on operations and why.
4 reasons you need to pay attention to operations and so much more!
Learn more about how to grow and scale your practice to 7-figures. Join me for my free training the Million Dollar Practice Sign Up Today!
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