It's time to run your practice, instead of your practice running you. 

Get ready to own your CEO status to scale your practice for growth, sustainability & profit!

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Say yes to being the CEO and no to being the first one to come in and the last one to leave. Stop missing out on the things you love the most because your practice needs you. 

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What our CEO Clients Are Saying... 

“Brandy has helped me grow and find order to my business.”

"Brandy has helped me grow and find order to my business. This experience has removed my limited thoughts and placed me in a place of confidence to pursue the exaggerated dreams I have for my business and myself."

— R. ZAbel, LCSW, ACSW | CEO

“Brandy is able to help me bridge the gap of knowledge with confidence!”

"It is helpful to have another perspective and someone who understands business and more specifically Private Practice! Especially because I am trained as a therapist, and not in business. Brandy is able to help me bridge the gap of knowledge with confidence!"

- Venus Kennedy, LCMHCS | CEO

Read other success stories here

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Learn to think like a CEO and get out of the weeds of your practice today.

Be unchained from your practice to have the freedom you deserve.

"I love that Brandy is a fantastic communicator and problem-solver. The wisdom she has shared with me has truly saved me from several potential mishaps in business."

"I’m more confident and empowered to be the CEO I need to be for my practice and team. Brandy is a phenomenal CEO coach."

- Dr. L. Upson Rush, Licensed Psychologist | Director

- N. Garza, MSW, LCSW, RPT | CEO



I'm Brandy Mabra!

I’m a CEO Coach for Private Practice Owners, a Business and Leadership Expert. I help high-achieving, savvy female private practice owners like you to learn the CEO business and leadership skills to build the next phase of their business so you can get you out of the day to day in the weeds work that is keeping you stressed. Be empowered to step up to CEO status focusing on high level revenue generating activities.

My clients are ambitious private practice business owners who are ready to end the vicious cycle of being burnt out & overwhelmed and ready for more time and freedom to own their days! Let me help you accelerate the process by giving you CEO skills you and your practice needs!

“My business has exploded!”

“In comparison to last year, my business has exploded. I now have a strong mission & vision [for my business]. I've had a tremendous amount of growth in the past year!”

— Michele NeskeY, PA-C | CEO


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CEO Moves™ is a weekly newsletter, where you receive 3 weekly CEO actions with resources to challenge and empower you to Own Your CEO Status. CEO's take action, not only consume information.
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    let's get your
    time back

    Ready to own your CEO status?

    Stop letting your practice run you, instead of you running
    your practice.

    i'm ready to be a ceo