It's time to think bigger. 

Owning a million dollar practice isn't a pipe dream. This isn't click bait. It's achievable with the right CEO mindset, strategies and CEO Skills. I work with million dollar practice owners everyday.

Your practice has the opportunity to change so many lives and change your financial picture at the same time. You deserve to have a practice that doesn't leave you financially stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. 

During this training you will learn...

  • Learn the exact performance metrics you need to track to take your practice to 7-figures.

  • The CEO mindset needed to help you scale your practice to 7-figures and beyond without the burnout.

  • How to avoid the common pitfalls that halt your practice's growth and keep you stuck on a never ending hamster wheel.

  • Why you DON'T need to create another job for yourself, or start a whole new business to make 7-figures. (NEWS FLASH! You're statistically setup better than any other industry to do it right now leveraging your practice!)  

  • How to use the economic climate to your favor to ensure your clients and patients are served and your practice stays profitable.

  • And, yes feel free to invite and tell all your private practice owner friends!

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Change the financial picture of your practice.

It's hard to make change if you're not putting your practice in a position to bring in the money you want and deserve. 

Nothing to lose. everything to gain.

Why you need this training ...

In today's business climate, it's a requirement to think differently about your practice. 

Not fully understanding the business side of your practice leaves you exposed. Exposed to blindly doing what others are doing versus implementing what is best for you and your practice as a solid business decision.

Working day in and day out in the weeds of your practice. Working long hours. Not making time to look at your practice as a business is costing you time, money and stress. We can do better. 

I guarantee your practice has million dollar potential you're not tapping into.

Trust me. You're not seeing all your options for how to grow and scale your practice to a million dollars on social media. 

Here's a secret. Most 7-figure practice owners aren't on social media saying they're 7-figure practice owners. They move in silence.

Why? Because they're busy taking month-long vacations. Investing in real estate. AND...Jetting setting to Paris on a whim. True Story...

You can have a practice that lights you up, makes a huge impact and doesn't leave you broke and broken down. 

I'm here to show you a different way backed with statistics and real life examples from the million dollar practice owners I work with everyday. Not to mention using my 15+ years of business and leadership experience building, growing and leading multi-million dollar practices. 

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"Brandy has helped me grow and find order to my business. This experience has removed my limited thoughts and placed me in a place of confidence to pursue the exaggerated dreams I have for my business and myself."

" All the information provided was thorough and extremely helpful. I’m more confident and empowered to be the CEO I need to be for my practice and team. Brandy is a phenomenal CEO coach."

- R. Zabel, LCSW, ACSW | CEO

- N. Garza, MSW, LCSW, RPT | CEO 

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Meet Brandy

Brandy is a CEO Coach for Private Practice Owners. A Healthcare Business and Leadership Expert, and the Founder of Private Practice CEO™ .

Brandy's life work is teaching Private Practice Owners the business side of their practice on a deeper level. Empowering them to show up as an empowered leader to scale their practice for growth, sustainability and profit. 

Our clients are ambitious private practice owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to end the vicious cycle of burn out & overwhelm. Brandy's mission is to help you to think about your practice in a different way to have more time, money and peace. 

She has almost 2 decades of business and leadership experience building, growing and leading multi-million dollar practices.